Level 1: Free printable games

I’ve made all of my games free for the printing. If you’ve never played one before, start with The Cloud Dungeon. Just print out the game, grab dice, scissors, and crayons, and start playing. No advance prep needed.
Level 2: Get treasure
See that box over there, titled “Inbox Adventure”? What’s an Inbox Adventure? I can’t explain entirely, but it involves:
- Your own personal Email Goblin writing you notes.
- He will also try to sell you things, it’s his job.
- “Creative Sparks”: pages and pages of drawing/doodling prompts.
- Tiny games, DIY Adventure Expansions, coloring sheets, drawing prompts, and more creative treasures regularly delivered to your inbox.
- Coupons when we launch new stuff.
- A mysterious story, and unexpected hero, and lots of cute rats.
Level 3: Watch a review
Want to get an idea about what to expect in The Cloud Dungeon? Check out this review.
If you want to learn more about The Cloud Dungeon, check out this page here:
Level 4: Join in
There are a lot of DIY Adventurers on Twitter, follow along as I share their adventures. We’ve also started a small community on Discord – for fans of the games, and for people who are interested in writing, designing, or illustrating their own DIY Adventure Games.
Level 5:Make your own DIY Adventure Game!
We’ve put together a whole set of templates and useful resources for making your own DIY Adventure games – create your own stories, share your prototypes, create something new for everybody to enjoy!