The Biggie Pack!

Introducing the Biggie Pack!

The BIGGIE pack has come to life, and is gobbling up pre-orders as quickly as it can. Each pre-order it gobbles up makes it grow bigger and bigger! Who knows how big it will get?

Until September 16, every pre-order contributes to the increasing number of characters in this pack. No matter how big it gets, the pre-order price stays at $5!

Wait, pre-ordering makes the pack bigger?

Yes! Every pre-order of the biggie pack OR the Biggie Pack/Cloud Dungeon combo counts towards more characters, costumes, and fun things for everyone! Here’s how that works:

What’s in it?

A printable PDF of 5̶6̶7̶8̶9̶ 10! characters, for Cloud Dungeon and future DIY Adventure Games. AND – as we get more pre-orders, that number will grow! The special pre-order price is only $5 for a printable PDF.


Last week, in Cloud 9:

Last week, the mayor of Cloud 9 made a comment about how “Oversized” adventurers should be charged a higher entrance fee to enter the Cloud Dungeon, due to “wear and tear on the floors, and increased door height requirements”. This really annoyed all of the vertically advantaged natives of Cloud 9, so all of the big beasties are flooding to the Cloud Dungeon before the price goes up.

This pack is stuffed to the gills with characters that aren’t your traditional adventurers – they have all sorts of custom character cards and lots for square footage for you to color and customize.

What do they look like?

Here’s one that I colored – funny looking chap, eh?

Wait, how does the armor and everything fit these giant characters?

Oh, it’s quite easy. Just wear the clothes with dignity!

Erm…always dignity. Ok, so it might take some creativity to get the armor to fit. And this fellow will have to wear the hamster ball on his head.