“Creativity now is as important in education as literacy, and we should treat it with the same status.” – Sir Ken Robinson
Creativity is vitally important, yet so much of our world discourages creative expression. It’s put on the back burner in our schools, and in American culture especially consumption as valued over producing new creative work.
I aim to do my part to change this trend. The creative process has been a part of my life since I was scribbling on couches with permanent marker, and with everything I make, I try to help you exercise your creativity and inspire creativity in your families and social groups. The act of creation is so much fun; I give you a place to start.
About Me

I’m Andrew Miller, also known as AndHeDrew. I’m a designer living in Nebraska. I love making things, spending time with my Wife and daughters, and playing games.
My personal blog, where I cover what I’m working on and the Creative Life generally, is here:
What are DIY Adventure Games?
They’re paper dolls + coloring + cut-and-paste + choose-your-own-adventure + Dungeons and Dragons.
To get a really good sense of what they’re like to play, watch this video:
The story of The Cloud Dungeon

The Cloud Dungeon is a creative papercraft game night in a book, which I put on Kickstarter with the modest goal of raising $2,000. Over the course of the Kickstarter, 1,946 backers pledged $30,446 to make the game a reality. I continue to be amazed, thankful, and humbled by the amazing response, and all of the opportunities that have come my way because of my little book.
Free Print-and-plays
In 2022, I released all of my games, in print-and-play form, for free. If you want to support my work you can buy something in the store, but if you want to print and play my games, they’re available to print or download below. Go share them with someone you love!
Daily Panels

My newest project: A shared visual journal!
I’ve never had something I’ve made change my life so significantly. Read the story of how it came to be over here: