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Pre-Game: The Next Generation

Hello, hello!I’ve got some really exciting interviews with game designers coming up for the next season of Pre-game. In addition to the interviews with Table Top game designers, I’ll be adding digital game designers to the mix! Let me know on Twitter @andhegames (or contact me here) who you would like to see interviewed in the next run of Pre-Game.

I’ve also got several new free games in the works (digital and physical) that I’ll be sending out to my Beta Mailing list before launching them on If you missed my latest, it’s about Venus, Space janitors, and stupidity.

Hope you’re having a fine day, thanks for reading, sharing, and being awesome.

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How Chris O’Neill Makes Games

Tell us about yourself – Who are you? What do you do?

Chris O’Neill, game designer and layout designer for card and role-playing games.


This post has affiliate links, which directly support at no extra cost to you. If you have any questions about anything recommended, let me know. – Andrew


If I’ve never played your games before, what’s the first one I should try?

Kobolds Ate My Baby! In Colour!!! is the perfect gateway to all of my design work, its a simple to grasp humorous role-playing game.

What tabletop games (including digital board/card games) are you playing most right now?

Roll for the Galaxy, Star Wars X-WING miniatures, a variety of RPGS (including Night’s Black Agents, Torchbearer, and others), Splendor, all of Ryan Lukat’s games (Eight Minute Empire, etc.)

What are your all-time favorite tabletop games?

Dungeons and Dragons is by far my favorite game to play, ever.  Any variation really (but secretly, its still the ODND basic game that I love most – where you are forced to make up rules as you play).  Magic: The Gathering is still the best card ever (though Pinochle is something that I love).  Race for The Galaxy (the card game), Siege of the Citadel (miniatures board game), and so many more.

What draws you to make games?

I’ve always “made” games.  I constantly think in game structures, have since I was a kid.  If the question is what draws me to make games that I plan to publish (which is very different than just making games), I think the answer is – it’s my passion.  I get really excited when I have an idea that makes other people excited – and the one area in my life where that most happens is with games.  (It also happens with cocktails, where I get an idea, and can make it a reality and share it with people, and then they get excited).

What are you not naturally good at, that you’ve learned to do for your work?

Editing.  I really hate editing, but its super important in gaming – not just editing your written work, but proofing, content editing, rules editing, etc.  I tend to write explosively, throwing down tons of ideas and words in a stream of consciousness – it requires careful editing to make that into something that you share with others, and then even more editing (especially with rules) to make sure that they are balanced, fair, and consistent.

Describe your process (or lack thereof) when making games. How do you reach your final product?

My process is a gigantic funnel fueled by obsession.  I am constantly coming up with new ideas.  I have a big book filled with ideas, mechanics, titles, phrases – and I constantly combine and configure those ideas together until something pops out that I can’t stop thinking about.  I have about 20 working “worlds” for game ideas – high concept ideas – that I try different styles and game concepts on, until I catch an idea that gets me fired up (which usually results in me thinking about that game for days or weeks in all of my spare time).  Then i put it on the shelf until the passion strikes again.

Reaching a final product is a different beast.  Most of the game ideas that I have are really never going to make it be a product – they are just a piece of a grander puzzle – either a good failure, or a beautiful but impractical idea.  I literally have over 200 unfinished games, from which pieces or ideas will be used in the next round.  For some things, like Schrödinger’s Cats or Kobolds – the idea was solid and kept building – so I kept running with it.

What design-related media do you consume on a regular basis?

I tend not to read about other designers thought processes.  I know that a lot of designers write about their process, but it’s not for me.  I do enjoy KEN AND ROBIN TALK ABOUT STUFF – as they are two designers that I can never get enough of them talking about stuff (that being said, if their podcast was called Ken and Robin Talk about Movies and History, I would still listen).

What are some tool/programs/supplies that you wouldn’t work without?

From a layout design perspective, I utilize the complete ADOBE CC CLoud Platform – Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign.  InDesign is my core tool – if you are making books or cards, you need to be on InDesign – there is literally no other program that a professional should be using.  We tend to work in Microsoft Word (with a lot of Dropbox and Google Docs) for manuscripts and spreadsheets, and then build a manuscript, which I take into InDesign.  Since I work with artists, and produce my own work, I understand how to blend that all together with the Adobe Suite.

What’s your playtesting philosophy? How often/early do you playtest?

I have a love/hate relationahip with playtesting.  I try to get to a playable prototype as quickly as possible – because playtesting is the only way to tell if a game is fun (which for me is the key to all games).  My hate side relationship comes in that I do not like the “development” side of the process.  Once I have the design work principally done, I want to start layout and production – not spending hours and hours replaying to ensure that the product is strong – but that is required.  When we reach the development phase – I tend to want to hand that off to others that enjoy that work – so that I can start working on something else.

In short, playtesting is 100% required, it’s just not fun…

What are some of the biggest obstacles you’ve faced in your work, and how have you overcome them?

My biggest obstacles in games has been finding enough time to work on them.  I have worked in various sides of the business (distribution, freelancing, publishing), and as a game designer and publisher, it’s a very “independent” world – so I don’t see too many hurdles in making or publishing games.  The real challenge has been in finding ways to marry making games with having another career.

How do you handle life/family/work balance?

This is super hard.  My wife (fellow game designer and all around awesome person, Heather O’Neill) and I don’t have kids – so that does make it easier, but we both do design and publishing as a side job – we both have “careers” outside of the game industry.   Luckily, I have a spouse that has gotten really into making and marketing games, so we both spend a lot of our non-work time playing and making games.  I have reached a point in my “day job” where I can really control the amount of work that I do – so that I was able to dedicated a full day a week to the design and game work – which has made me far more productive and responsive.

Do you have a second  job? If so, what do you do? If not, when/how did you quit your day job?

As stated above, I have a full time (usually more than full time) job in the world of consulting and software.  Thankfully, I have a very specific skill set, which has allowed me to craft my day job around my schedule, and has allowed me to open up more time to focus on gaming.

I often think about quitting the day job and focusing on game design full time – but that is a very risky proposition (and I am typically risk-adverse).  I am currently working on 3 year plan – cutting back my “work” hours each year (as we bank more funds) to be able to focus purely on game design.

How many hours/week do you generally devote to game design? How many to other business-related activities?

So, my day job takes 30-50 hours a week (it used to be way more), and I focus about 1 hour a day to game design or game business, with a full day on FRIDAYS (8-10 hours), and then all the time that I cram in on the weekends (sometimes all of the weekend).  When working on layout or design, I can spend 2-3 hours in the evening working on things.

What one piece of advice would you give aspiring game designers?

Don’t be afraid to stop. Don’t be afraid to chase a cool idea, and then drop it when it crumbles or becomes un-fun.  Games should be about fun.

What’s the best advice about life that you’ve ever received?

My father has a line that I like to break out when people ask this question, “I don’t live to work, I work to live.”  I also really like “The unexamined life is not worth living”.  In short, my advice in life is to make sure that you know what you want, before you start trying to find it – and then make sure that you are enjoying it.

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How Heather O’Neill (and Heather Wilson) Make Games

(This is a co-interview by the co-designers of Schrödinger’s Cats, Heather O’Neill and Heather Wilson. Heather Wilson’s responses are in light blue. –A)


Tell us about yourself – Who are you? What do you do?

I’m a creative and social person but love math, science and spreadsheets too! I have a day job and work on games in my spare time. In addition to making games, I run BestConEver which is a small event company that hosts game days and mini-conventions (50 people or less).

I am a tabletop gamer. I love strategy based games as much as bluffing, social and party games. Over the last 5 years or so I’ve been offering advice or suggestions on other people’s games but didn’t really consider making them myself. Back in 2012 I created my first game with my husband Chris. After that, I knew that I could actually do this and started working on a few ideas. Schrödinger’s Cats is just such a marketable idea that we felt it should be the first one in (hopefully) a series of many.

+ + +

I am a writer and crafty type person. I’ve worked in the video game industry for the last 10 years and I have my Master’s degree in Library Science. I read an unhealthy amount and do not like chocolate or vanilla.

Like Heather, I’ve played games for years but never really made my own. I’ve been friends with Heather and Chris forever. In 2013 we started talking about making games together. They are both incredibly creative people and a lot of fun to work with. As Heather said, Schrödinger’s won out because it’s so marketable, as well as being one of those ideas that you just laugh about every time it comes up. Who doesn’t want to play a game where cats are the scientists putting each other in boxes?

This post has affiliate links, which directly support at no extra cost to you. If you have any questions about anything recommended, let me know. – Andrew


If I’ve never played your games before, what’s the first one I should try?

Since I’ve only made 2 games it makes things easy! Schrödinger’s Cats would be the best option. It can seem intimidating and math heavy but the cute cat art and cat physicists ease that fear. Once you play a round it most people find it’s not difficult and have a lot of fun!

+ + +

Schrödinger’s Cats as it’s the only game I’ve made. Although I’m going to recommend Heather’s other game, Demon Realms. It’s fun, funny, and quick to play.

One fact that we probably don’t know about you:

I’m an avid tennis player and captain a team.

+ + +

I love to cook, but I don’t like making the same thing twice.

What tabletop games (including digital board/card games) are you playing most right now?

For the past few months I’ve been into Splendor, Friday the 13th, Belle of the Ball, and Roll for the Galaxy.

+ + +

Carcassonne and Small World on my phone, I’m super into the convenience of being able to play some of the games I enjoy most on the go. I also really like Belle of the Ball and Splendor. Billionaire Banshee is a game a former co-worker of mine at Harmonix Kickstarted we finally got our copy and have been playing that in my house a lot.

What are your all-time favorite tabletop games?

Pinochle, Fiasco, Bohnanza

+ + +

Bohnanza! It’s one of the only games I have serious competitive feelings about. Hanabi, Master Labyrinth by Ravensburger (I have a really old copy that’s missing a couple of the magic wands), and Snare, an old word card game from the fifties.

What draws you to make games?

Since I play a lot of games I see an outlet for a fun or new concept I’ve come up with. It’s a good marriage of being creative while at the same time making calculated decisions. That pretty much sums me up!

+ + +

Games are a great way of interacting with a theme that you like. Do you like Adventure Time? Then you can play Card Wars. Do you like cats and science? Then you can play Schrödinger’s Cats. I make games because they are way to give players (and myself) that interaction. I like the way I am helping to create an experience for other people.

What are you not naturally good at, that you’ve learned to do for your work?

I haven’t typically been good at narrative writing. However, when I broke it down into game concepts and characters I found that I did a much better job getting the story and feel across.

+ + +

I have a really hard time with math and understanding rules in the abstract. That’s something I’m still working to overcome. Writing and editing rules helps a lot! If I can explain a concept to myself then I know I can explain it to our players.

Describe your process (or lack thereof) when making games. How do you reach your final product?

I haven’t made too many games yet. For Demon Realms there really was no process. The idea came to me one night the the whole concept and most of the game was written that night. For Schrödinger’s Cats a bunch of us had been taking about the concept and then over 2014 our development team put our ideas together and it evolved over a series of months. For the new projects that I’m working on I am working on the overall concept and feel then working that into a mechanic that makes sense for the theme.

+ + +

Heather covered our process on Schrödinger’s. For the other games I’ve worked on I am usually the person who takes the gameplay and fleshes out the concept on the theme side, so I’m often coming in towards the end of the process. With the game I’m working on right now we are in the brainstorming and gameplay design stage. In specific I am doing a bunch of writing and world building.

What design-related media do you consume on a regular basis?

Not much. I’m on Twitter and I follow big news on the internet but that’s about it.

+ + +

There are a couple of interesting Facebook groups that discuss design that I follow.

What are some tool/programs/supplies that you wouldn’t work without?

Excel, Wikipedia, Coffee (Amen to the third! -A)

+ + +

A thesaurus, Google sheets & docs, and my local library.

What’s your playtesting philosophy? How often/early do you playtest?

I try to get it in front of as many different types of game players as soon as I can. That way I’m hearing from all sides before going too far in one direction.

+ + +

Agreed, as soon as possible. The sooner you have something playable, the sooner you know if it’s worth moving forward with your base mechanic.

What are some of the biggest obstacles you’ve faced in your work, and how have you overcome them?

Time to work on them. When a spark of an idea comes to me I try to jot down everything about that right away so that when I come back to it later I won’t forget anything. A lot of my design time is in tiny chunks of 30-40 minutes as opposed to a whole afternoon.

+ + +

Distraction! I am very easily distracted from the things I am working on by things I want to be working on. I recently heard some really good advice about finishing the thing you are currently working on before you move onto the next thing because you may never go back to the first thing. If you are inspired by something new, take notes and come back to it.

How do you handle life/family/work balance?

Since game design is more of a hobby I try to fit it in where I can. Schrödinger’s Cats is really the first big game I’ve made and I’m hoping to do more. I’m sure real life will get in the way but at this point I haven’t been doing it long enough for it to be a problem.

+ + +

Working in the video game industry I have learned from 60-80 hour work week experience how to keep a healthy balance, don’t work 60-80 hours a week! ;). Seriously though, I find that making schedules for myself is invaluable. Knowing when to sit down on work on which thing, and when to hang out in the park with my dog, helps keep them from creeping into and over each other and makes sure I don’t leave anything out.

Do you have a second job? If so, what do you do? If not, when/how did you quit your day job?

Actually game design is my second job. My first job is project management for engineering department at AT&T.

+ + +

Tabletop game design is my second job as well. My day job is in the video game industry, I’m currently the Producer/Community Manager for Brace Yourself Games, makers of Crypt of the NecroDancer. NecroDancer is a rhythm based roguelike for PC, Mac, and Linux. Before that for about 9 years I worked at Harmonix, creators of the Rock Band franchise.

How many hours/week do you generally devote to game design? How many to other business-related activities?

I probably devote less than 5 hours a week to the design and 8-10 on business related stuff for the game. Being that we just finished a Kickstarter, the administrative side is overtaking my time to work on new games – but I still am!!

+ + +

It really depends on the week. I try to make sure I am spending some time on both design and admin everyday.

What one piece of advice would you give aspiring game designers?

Being that I have been around game design for so many years I have seen that just a good concept will not work. The concept and theme are important but be sure you’ve really thought out the game play. Playtest and be open to feedback!

+ + +

Don’t over complicate your ideas. Maybe you are designing a complicated game, and that’s legit, but be really honest with yourself about whether or not you need all of the elements you’ve included.

What’s the best advice about life that you’ve ever received?

Be comfortable and happy with yourself. Don’t feel bad about doing things for yourself.

+ + +

Do whatever you want to your hair, it will grow back.

Who would you like to see answer these questions?

Chris O’Neill, Phil Cartagena and Josh Degregorio of Cray Cray Games, they have a Kickstarter running right now for their game Find It & Bind It

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How Mike Fitzgerald Makes Games

Tell us about yourself – Who are you? What do you do?

I am Mike Fitzgerald. I am a full time board and card game designer. I have designed 71 games over the last 20 years. I can only really remember about 25 of these and 20 of them I am proud of.


This post has affiliate links, which directly support at no extra cost to you. If you have any questions about anything recommended, let me know. – Andrew


If I’ve never played your games before, what’s the first one I should try?

The 3rd Mystery Rummy game Jeckyll and Hyde is the easiest of those games and gives you the feel for that series. I would also say my game Diamonds would be a good introduction to my lighter games. I did 4 Trading card games in the 90’s and WCW Nitro or Wyvern would give an example of my work in TCGs. My latest, Baseball Highlights 2045 is a very different kind of deck builder that I am very proud of.

One fact that we probably don’t know about you:

I spent 44 years as a disc jockey including 27 of those in New York City on WHN and CBS FM. I co hosted the morning show at CBS FM with Mickey Dolenz of the Monkees in 2005.

What tabletop games (including digital board/card games) are you playing most right now?

I am playing Impulse, Fallen, Deus, Imperial Settlers, Thunder Alley and Roll for the Galaxy a lot. (I also love to play my Baseball Highlights 2045 deck builder)

What are your all-time favorite tabletop games?

Ticket to Ride, Guildhall, Istanbul,Glory to Rome (and Uchronia), Catan. ( I stil play my first Mystery Rummy game Jack the Ripper)


What draws you to make games?

I make games I want to play. I do not know why I am drawn to this but it is a passionate need I have to try to be creative and create game that I would like to play.

What are you not naturally good at, that you’ve learned to do for your work?

I am not a naturally talented mathematician but I have learned enough from designing those early trading card games to know enough for game design.

Describe your process (or lack thereof) when making games. How do you reach your final product?

Wow. Every game has a different process for me. Most of the time I start with theme but sometimes I will come up with a mechanic first.

What design-related media do you consume on a regular basis?

I keep up with as many games coming out as I can and follow my favorite designers closey. I watch Boardgamegeek videos a lot and listen to many podcasts. My favorite is Ludolgy. This is the one that is most design-related to me.

What are some tool/programs/supplies that you wouldn’t work without?

Blank cards, labels, colored markers, Filemaker data base, Excel, Word, Adobe Illustrator etc.

What’s your playtesting philosophy? How often/early do you playtest?

I have a close circle of play testers who will see my designs as soon as I feel I have made a complete game. I then open it up to many including blind play testers to find out everything from rules ease and what players have trouble with in the game. I think there is a real danger to play testing a design too early. Then the play testers start designing it and your vision may get lost and the game can become a hodge podge of different ideas. You also have to be careful listening to what play testers say. The most valuable information I get from play testing is from watching the play testers. What part of the game are they having the most fun with? What part are they frustrated with etc. They will show you this in how they play the game.


What are some of the biggest obstacles you’ve faced in your work, and how have you overcome them?

I will sometimes get stuck in the design process. I put the game away for awhile and play a lot of my favorite games for a week or two. Then I usually find this has freed up my ideas so I can make progress on the design. I do have may half finished ideas that are still waiting for inspiration in the closet.

How do you handle life/family/work balance?

It is easy now since I am full time at game design.

Do you have a second job? If so, what do you do? If not, when/how did you quit your day job?

This is all I do now. I retired from radio in 2013.

How many hours/week do you generally devote to game design? How many to other business-related activities?

It varies but I try to design from 9-noon every weekday and play test on the weekends. That probably makes about 20-25 hours a week. The rest of my work time is the business if game design which involves contracts and making contacts for future designs etc.

What one piece of advice would you give aspiring game designers?

Stay true to your vision of a game.

What’s the best advice about life that you’ve ever received?

My parents always said “Do what you love to do” and the rest will take care of itself. Not always as easy has that sounds but I have no regrets.

Who would you like to see answer these questions?

Richard Borg

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How Mila Pokorny Makes Games

Tell us about yourself – Who are you? What do you do?

Hey there! I’m Mila Pokorny, and I founded Deerfox Games over here in Philadelphia. I work as a Game Designer and Illustrator for the company. Currently that involves designing Magical Girls all day.


This post has affiliate links, which directly support at no extra cost to you. If you have any questions about anything recommended, let me know. – Andrew


If I’ve never played your games before, what’s the first one I should try?

Mahou Shojo is the first game I’ve designed! It’s really easy to pick up, and I’ve put a ton of work into the characters and their designs.

One fact that we probably don’t know about you:

My art is featured in the Fangamer’s Kirby Dream Zine! Some digital games are very close to my heart, and Kirby is definitely one of those games. (Yeah, Kirby! Kirby is my Smash Bros character. –A)

What tabletop games (including digital board/card games) are you playing most right now?

My friend has a cool campaign going in D&D 4th Ed. at the moment, which I cannot wait for the next session. Battle of the Electric Vikings is an amazing party game everyone should play (with me). and I’m about to start a character in Lasers and Feelings. (He’s a Sexy Doctor on the hunt for Alien Honeys).

What are your all-time favorite tabletop games?

Cards against Humanity, I will drop whatever it is I am doing to play a round of it. Ticket to Ride is great, Love Letter, and Munchkin are all also favorites of mine. Personally, I love Pictionary as an anytime game but as you can imagine, no one wants to play with me. Hahaha!

What draws you to make games?

I make games to draw. Games are attractive because of responsive and feedback elements. This is captured easily in digital games, but with tabletop games, you have to force these elements from your friends and co-players. Something else that attracts me about games is elements of imagination and roleplaying. I try to pack these elements into Mahou Shojo.

What are you not naturally good at, that you’ve learned to do for your work?

For the longest time I didn’t take criticism very well, or really was overall embarrassed about the things I was creating. I’ve also learned so much about gamefeel and how to process feedback, especially from those who don’t play tabletop/card games very often. Seperately, Card Games have demanded much Graphic Design skills that I’ve had to ask advice on time and time again. I’m definitely much better than I was when I started Mahou Shojo back in July.

Describe your process (or lack thereof) when making games. How do you reach your final product?

I focus on a concept and see if I can replicate that in a physical game, and how would it affect players. For Mahou Shojo I wanted to make a game about magical warriors, but I wanted something special about them. A magical girl based beat-em-up game called Grief Syndrome had a system where you could use powerful spells but the more you used, you endangered yourself and would eventually lose. This made the game feel much faster. I was able to mimic it with Mahou Shojo’s MGK system, which works a bit like Mana in Magic: The Gathering, but made it much more fleeting. Concepts like this I feel take time to manifest and need to be thought about critically to grow. I could have made a regenerative resource system, but I feel not doing so made the warriors more valuble in battle, and make players really take a step back and strategize.

What design-related media do you consume on a regular basis?

Animation and comics are my fuel, especially for a game like Mahou Shojo, you need a specific image in your head of how combat works and how to translate that to text and card actions.

What are some tool/programs/supplies that you wouldn’t work without?

FireAlpaca is a godsend if you love everything Paint Tool Sai has to offer (stroke stabilization and easy color blending) but are on a Mac (or poor).

What’s your playtesting philosophy? How often/early do you playtest?

I playtest as often as I can with as many different as possible. Young and old, veterans and newbies! Everyone offers different advice and is always worth listening to. Mahou Shojo is intended for young girls, so they are the audience we try the most. But I’ve been experimenting with anime fans who have never touched a card game and it’s been going really well.

What are some of the biggest obstacles you’ve faced in your work, and how have you overcome them?

Making your first game is hard. I’ve worked in digital games, but mostly as an artist. Building your own game from the ground up is a wake up call to test what you really know about games. The biggest obstacle has been making my games quick to play and easy for children to play. Most of it was solved by pulling the reigns on numbers of actions a player can do during a turn. Once I feel the game gets too complicated I have to ask myself “Would 9 year old Mila play this?” If the answer is ever “no,” you scrap it and try it another way. Secondly, I have strict guidelines regarding the art to ensure children and adults can see themselves and hopefully characters they would want to become.

How do you handle life/family/work balance?

Terribly haha. I live with my boyfriend Andy, but its a chore to pull myself away from work to see them, and they’re a 20 minute drive away. Let alone see my own family. (Hi Mom and Daniel)

Do you have a second job? If so, what do you do? If not, when/how did you quit your day job?

Daytime is designing for QuadraTron Games. I develop our current game Threshold to be as eye-pleasing as possible.

How many hours/week do you generally devote to game design? How many to other business-related activities?

I try for at least 2 days of out my work week, but sometimes that time is away by preparing for the next event Deerfox plans to go to.

What one piece of advice would you give aspiring game designers?

Playtest often and Playtest Cheaply.

Who would you like to see answer these questions?

Heather ONeill of 9th Level games and her adorable (and now funded) Schrödinger’s Cats.

What’s the best advice about life that you’ve ever received?

My dad once told me, “The only thing constant in life is change.” Which he meant to never get too comfortable, and that people also change whether they mean to or not.


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How T. C. Petty, III Makes Games

Tell us about yourself – Who are you? What do you do? Why are you drawn to make games?

Hi, I’m T. C.. I am a professional part-time croupier at a casino in rural Pennsylvania. And currently I am attempting the starving artist routine by designing board games during the other part of that part time. I’m not in it for the money, apparently. Games are the way I best express myself. They say something about my personality and have been my lifeblood for years when I’ve been happy, lonely, or depressed. I like to love them just as much as I like to tear them apart and feast on their analytical insides. I do, however, hate many more games than I like, because they suck. Which is probably much of my personal motivation to make games that are great.

This post has affiliate links, which directly support at no extra cost to you. If you have any questions about anything recommended, let me know. – Andrew


If I’ve never played your games before, what’s the first one I should try?

My favorite is VivaJava: The Coffee Game, but I’d say jump right into the Dice version, VivaJava: The Coffee Game: The Dice Game. It’s a solid, dicey, euro, power-filler for one to four players and gives a good amount of satisfying decisions and variability in a tight design space. The bigger brother is a large-group, semi-cooperative, awesome game, so it’s a little harder to get to the table. Of course I only have two games out at the moment, so there’s only a few to choose from until next year when people can try out Xenon Profiteer and Don’t Get Eated.

One fact that we probably don’t know about you:

I once built an atom bomb and blew up the world. But, I fixed it.

(I’m not totally sure if he’s being serious about that. –A)

What tabletop games (including digital board/card games) are you playing most right now?

I’m itching to play my brand-new copy of Terra Mystica. I’ve playing the hell out of Panamax, Metropolys, and Eight Minute Empires: Legends.

What are your all-time favorite tabletop games?

It’s kind of like asking me what my favorite band is; The Beatles. The first answer is always kind of uninteresting. Puerto Rico is my favorite. But, I love Yinsh and Ticket to Ride: Europe and Yspahan and St. Petersburg and other stuff.

What are you naturally good at that helps you in your work?

Creativity. I worry about being insensitive to others, but not much else when designing a game and it helps. Any direction. Any theme. Anything interesting or not interesting. Whatever piques my interest.

What are you not naturally good at, that you’ve learned to do well anyway?

Networking. You need to know the right people. And not just know them. You need them to be happy when they see you. Luckily, I really enjoy the industry and the mentality behind the community behind the scenes in board gaming, so I don’t have to fake it. I’m generally a pretty introverted individual, but getting connected to Twitter and being an active contributor has seen my career just skyrocket. Also, everyone I meet in this hobby is super-fantastic. Except for that one guy.

Describe your process (or lack thereof) when making games. How do you reach your final product?

Initial idea + mechanical spark = Game Prototype! Most designers talk about whether you are a “theme-first” or “mechanics-first” designer which I think is apt for most people in most situations. But, I find that my ideas only become realized when the two merge simultaneously and quickly. I love exploring theme, but I don’t sacrifice gameplay for theme, nor do I sacrifice theme for gameplay (though I tend to lean more this way in a pinch).

After piles of hand-written and text-edit notes, the first prototype is created. I don’t ever completely scrap an initial idea and begin again from scratch, but I will iterate the initial prototype forever with playtesting. And to note, my prototypes are not meant to be pretty. They are functional with just enough art and symbology to evoke the sense of theme. The worst thing to do is to create a prototype that I’m literally afraid to change. It’s easier when it’s a simpler game, but even then I don’t allow myself a pass on development. Games are a personal thing and even if I’m not making a game specifically for my own tastes, I have no reason to release a game that feels unfinished in my own personal scale of finishedness. No deadlines, just solid games.

What design-related media do you consume on a regular basis?

Everyday I log onto BGG at least once. Usually to obsessive check the ratings on my two games, but many times because I am searching for something game design related. I’m also a huge Ludology podcast fan and I love Cardboard Edison posts on Twitter and Tumblr. (Me too – they frequently quote these interviews. –A) I maniacally click every blue link I see on Twitter and steal everyone else’s juicy game design hints (or scoff at the amateurs).

What are some tool/programs/supplies that you wouldn’t work without?

I’ve improved my process over the last few years, becoming faster and more efficient at iteration with each prototype. I used to make prototypes, full prototypes, in Microsoft Word. Now, nine years later I have become spoiled by the proper Adobe Suite, creating vector iconography in Illustrator and actual, real, professional layout in InDesign. From Word to InDesign file layout for final production in about eight years. I think thats pretty good for a hobby! My paper-cutter and one-inch hole punch have also changed my life. I use circles in pretty much everything ever. I am totally spoiled.

What’s your playtesting philosophy? How often/early do you playtest?

In general, I’m a perfectionist. The biggest hurdle for me when creating a new game is getting that first prototype to the table when it is “incomplete.” Logically, I know it won’t be THAT painful, but I still get nervous. So, I playtest, if at all possible, by myself as many times as needed, then only unleash it on my close friends when I feel I’m ready to receive outside feedback. After that initial hesitation, I’ll show it to anyone and everyone. I’ll blog about it, make PnP files, attend Unpub events and generally try to get as much feedback as possible. I need blind playtesting especially, and I’ll make changes based on feedback right up until the final productions copies are created.

What are some of the biggest obstacles you’ve faced in your work, and how have you overcome them?

I have to temper my ambitions. I realized very early that if I want to “finish” anything that I start, I have to create artificial and ideological restrictions on my projects or I will allow scope-creep to destroy any chance of that thing becoming a reality. The worst thing I can do is chase a “white whale.” (I’m not smart enough to understand that paragraph. –A) If I have an idea and that idea seems too big, I shelve it for later. I try to look for initial ideas that immediately pair with a good base mechanic and then jump straight into it. I may plan out the prototype for months beforehand, but as long as there’s an initial spark of a completed game, it has the best chance of survival. I fail at this countless times, but I try to not obsess over one idea for a long, long time.

How do you handle life/family/work balance?

Not very well. I work a job that allows me extra time and freedom to explore game design, but it kills all my weekends. I can’t promote my own games at conventions and I rarely see my close friends. But, I consider it a temporary sacrifice and I will find a way to keep a part time job that doesn’t destroy my social time. It’s all part of the five year plan, right? I’ve made a ton of friends over the last few years, and it feels like we always are in contact through Google Hangouts and Twitter. So when I do have the opportunity to attend a convention, it’s like reconnecting with dear friends all the time.

Do you have a second job? If so, what do you do? If not, when/how did you quit your day job?

Apart from game design? Of course. And as I said, its not so bad, just kills the weekends.

How many hours/week do you generally devote to game design? How many to other business-related activities?

I usually spend about 20 hours a week on game design, although I’m very much in waves. There are times where I will spend twelve hours each day for three or four days rebalancing and creating a new set of files for a medium-weight game. There are other times, where all I do is write a few notes in my notebook. I try to have a deadline at some point each month for playtesting which helps me from becoming too distracted.

What one piece of advice would you give aspiring game designers?

Don’t dedicate yourself to one idea at the expense of everything else. Most people try their hand at game design. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn’t. And it’s an easy thing to be bad at doing. If you find that the current game is just frustrating, throw it in the pile and start working on something else. It’s okay to make a bad game. It’s not okay to release a bad game.

What’s the best advice about life that you’ve ever received?

“Everything he says is so true.” – Erin Weller (a classmate in reference to Holden Caulfield in “The Catcher in the Rye”) I hated The Catcher in the Rye when I first read it. This odd comment from a classmate, outside of the assigned discussion had a poignant effect on me. And it encompassed everything that Salinger was trying to convey to a person at exactly my age and exactly that time. It completely made me feel stupid and overturned all previous objections. I like to embrace the innocence of first-time realization. What some people lovingly call teenage ennui. Fighting a pointless fight in a pointless world. I’m going to try and do what I do best at the highest level that I can do it and for me alone.

“That’s the whole trouble. You can’t ever find a place that’s nice and peaceful, because there isn’t any. You may think there is, but once you get there, when you’re not looking, somebody’ll sneak up and write “Fuck you” right under your nose. I think, even, if I ever die, and they stick me in a cemetery, and I have a tombstone and all, it’ll say “Holden Caulfield” on it, and then what year I was born and what year I died, and then right under that it’ll say “Fuck you.” I’m positive, in fact.” – The Catcher in the Rye

Who would you like to see answer these questions?

Ha. Dreams would be, Sebastian Pauchon, Friedemann Friese, Rudiger Dorn, and Mac Gerdts. But more English-friendly, Brett Gilbert, Scott Almes, Matthew O’Malley, and John Gilmour. Thanks to Alf for requesting me! Here’s a selfie where he is barely visible behind my auburn locks:

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How Bruno Faidutti makes games

Tell us about yourself – Who are you? What do you do? Why are you drawn to make games?

I’m Bruno Faidutti, I’m French (though I don’t care much about it), 53. I design games because my two passions are playing games and reading books, because I want to be creative, to impress myself and my friends, and because I’m far too lazy to write books.

This post has affiliate links, which directly support at no extra cost to you. If you have any questions about anything recommended, let me know. – Andrew


If I’ve never played your games before, what’s the first one I should try?

Everybody will tell you Citadels, and everybody is probably right. It’s generally considered my best game, and the most representative of my design style. With a dozen players, however, you should try Mascarade. I also like very much my recent party games, Speed Dating (kind of Cards against Humanity for gamers) and Animal Suspect, but they are very language dependent and not published in English so far.

One fact that we probably don’t know about you:

I doctored in history, and my PhD thesis is about unicorns – in fact about the scientific debate over the reality of unicorns from late middle-ages to XIXth century. This makes me effectively the world authority on unicorns. (What an accreditation! -A)

What tabletop games (including digital board/card games) are you playing most right now?

Seventh Hero, but with the French edition, Héros à Louer, because the US one is too ugly. Mysterium, one of the very few cooperative games I really enjoy, a kind of mix between Dixit and Clue. I think this game will be a major world hit once it’s not available only only in Polish and Ukrainian.. Also my last prototype, about pigeons and sparrows, and a prototype by Hervé Marly, about alligators and hallucinogens (among other things).

What are your all-time favorite tabletop games?

Poker, Cosmic Encounter, Ave Cesar, and Kuhhandel are not necessarily games I play very often, but I always think about them when I think of games, they are the games I would like to have invented. I more regularly play Ticket to Ride and Settlers of Catan, but these are more like modern classics, they don’t have the same evidence and elegance.

What are you naturally good at that helps you in your work?

I’m good at writing clear and synthetic rules. Publishers like my prototypes because they never have rules questions to ask, and my rules need little or no rewriting before publication. That’s an interesting competitive advantage in the business, especially when some really big names are not that good at rules. Some publishers even try to have me rewrite the rules of other designers’ games, but I usually answer I don’t have the time for it.

What are you not naturally good at, that you’ve learned to do well anyway?

Writing in English. I am used to reading in English, but I had never really written in english before I went into boardgames. Technically, English is a much simpler, more efficient and more accurate language for game rules, and I use it now even for games that I know I will submit to French publishers.

What I could never learn is to make prototype with clever gizmos, stuff that makes strange noise or moves in a strange way. I would love to design games like Roberto Fraga’s ones, I sometimes have ideas for them, but I am not able to make a prototype. One of the reasons I design mostly card games is that I don’t like to draw, print and cut large boards, and find the right box to put them in.

Describe your process (or lack thereof) when making games. How do you reach your final product?

There’s no precise process. I usually think of a game for a few days, weeks or months before I try to put it down on paper. I know most designers don’t start to write rules until the game is almost ready, but I usually start with rules, even when they are bound to evolve afterwards. Also, when I’m not satisfied very quickly by a design, and think there’s nevertheless something in it, I try to call some other designer friend for help.

But, once more, I don’t have a specific, regular process or method – I even think having a recipe, a clear process, is probably the best recipe for failure.

What design-related media do you consume on a regular basis?

Whisky and Red Bull, though I don’t mix them. (That’s probably wise. –A)

I also check regularly what’s said of my games on the boardgamegeek. I’ve given up doing it on tric trac, the showy but confusing French equivalent of BGG.

What are some tool/programs/supplies that you wouldn’t work without?

An A3 color printer, inDesign, scissors and some cardboard. And a few thousand games as reference.

What’s your playtesting philosophy? How often/early do you playtest?

Unlike most other designers, I never do blind playtest. I always take part in all the tests, and try to play my prototypes, and friends’ prototypes, like I would play any other game.

I hold a game session every week or two – more or less. Usually we play about half prototypes – not only mine – and half other games. We start with a good dinner – I’m a good cook – and then we drink and play. I can’t imagine playtesting without good wine, vodka and whisky, it puts players in the mood and helps them feel free to suggest rules variations and improvements. I playtest with more or less the same group of friends for twenty years – a few have left, there are some new faces, but the group’s core hasn’t changed much.

I don’t necessarily playtest my games that much – if I’m satisfied after a dozen games or so, then I consider the game finalized. If I’m not, I usually set it aside, or ask another designer for help, and sometimes take it out again a few months later.

What are some of the biggest obstacles you’ve faced in your work, and how have you overcome them?

The game scene is a nice one. Game designers and game publishers are (almost) all nice people. The only serious issues I had were with game media – meaning websites and magazines, and most of these issues I’ve not overcome yet. I can be quite stubborn, and some game bloggers and webmasters are a bit jealous of designers and try a bit too hard to show us that they know games better than we do, and that we can’t do without them. When this happens, I usually try to do without them.

How do you handle life/family/work balance?

I’m mostly single for three years now, which makes family things much easier. Balancing game-work and day job is sometimes problematic. As a teacher I have lots of holidays, but cannot choose when the happen, and they often don’t fit with game fairs. That’s why I’m not in Nuernberg at the moment.

Anyway, the major issue for me is handling games / books balance. I’m a compulsive reader, usually of heavy and difficult books, and have to balance my free time between reading essays and novels and playing and designing games. The years I don’t design are usually the years I read too much.

Do you have a second job? If so, what do you do? If not, when/how did you quit your day job?

Though I doctored in history, I’m teaching economics and sociology in a parisian high school. I don’t really need this second job, since I make enough money with games to live modestly, and I’m not a spendthrift.

However, I don’t think I will quit, because I love my job, and because teaching brings me in contact with very different people – when people in the game scene all have the same kind whackiness. Also – though I know it sounds pretentious – there’s a political statement in working for the state – working for everyone. I’m not sure I would be able to look at myself in a mirror in the morning if I were only working to sell something, even if it were only games.

How many hours/week do you generally devote to game design? How many to other business-related activities?

It’s hard to tell, because I often more or less think about games, without feeling really like work, or even design. It’s also extremely irregular, since I’m not a regular guy. If “to devote time to game design” means to sit in front of my computer and try to write rules or design cards in in-Design, or manipulate tokens on my kitchen table, I’d say no more than five or six hours a week. I also spend some time writing articles for my website, mostly about my gaming “philosophy”, about the politics of gaming, or just about what strikes me at the moment in game designs trends. This takes a lot of time, because I always try to do it both in French and English.

I spend very little time discussing game “business” with publishers or other designers, I don’t like to spend days discussing every little point of every contract and checking my royalties. I try to keep it casual – which, of course, is much easier when one is relatively successful. I always say that [inlinetweet prefix=”” tweeter=”” suffix=”via @andhegames”]what’s important is not what is stated in a contract, but with whom you sign it.[/inlinetweet]

What one piece of advice would you give aspiring game designers?

Don’t be paranoid. Be trusting. I don’t think there’s any other business with as many nice, interesting and honest people as gaming. I could name a few exceptions, but there are so few that the probability you will ever be involved in a nicer business is negligible.

Who would you like to see answer these questions?

Eric Lang.

What’s the best advice about life that you’ve ever received?

Life is not a game. You don’t know the rules and the goal, and you better not try, since it’s more fun this way. That’s why I despise religion, and why I’m terrified by it – religious people act in life as if it were a game with a game designer, a set of rules, a goal and a victory point systems. Life is not a game, it’s a mess – and it might be better that way.

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How Sarah Reed Makes Games

Tell us about yourself – Who are you? What do you do?

I’m Sarah Reed. I’m an enthusiastic player of games as I enjoy board games, role-playing games and video games. I’m married to a wonderful and smart man named Will. We have a lot of shared interests like games, but also LEGO. Work is what pays for the hobbies we’re into, as both games and LEGO are expensive! In a nutshell, I do data processing and analytic work for the state of California.

This post has affiliate links, which directly support at no extra cost to you. If you have any questions about anything recommended, let me know. – Andrew

If I’ve never played your games before, what’s the first one I should try?

Will and I only have one game out, which is available on The Game Crafter and it’s called Triple Threat, a set of three 2-player micro games. However, we’re putting our next game, Project Dreamscape, up on Kickstarter and I highly recommend that one. The PnP files are available on boardgamegeek.

One fact that we probably don’t know about you:

I have a degree in Theatre and was really into the technical side with stage management and lighting design, but I realized a little too late that it was a career I couldn’t do due to my health issues. The late nights were killer.

What tabletop games (including digital board/card games) are you playing most right now?

Sentinels of the Multiverse, Yardmaster Express, Dominion, Last Will and Star Wars Imperial Assault are the hitting the table the most. For my new iPad mini, I’ve been playing a lot of Suburbia and Ascension, but once I buy Sentinels of the Multiverse, I’ll be playing that the most.

What are your all-time favorite tabletop games?

Sentinels of the Multiverse, Dominion, Suburbia, Seasons and Villagers & Villains. But this list changes constantly as my gaming preferences evolve.

What are you naturally good at that helps you in your work?

Organization and focus. I love to organize things and this comes out in all things that I do. I also get really focused on the tasks at hand, though sometimes to my detriment as I forget to take breaks to eat and such.

What are you not naturally good at, that you’ve learned to do well anyway?

I’m not great at it, but due to getting into game design, I’ve learned how to do rudimentary graphic design. It’s serviceable for prototypes, but nothing I’d ever go to print with.

Describe your process (or lack thereof) when making games. How do you reach your final product?

My process and my husband’s process are pretty similar. We both think about our idea for a while, talking to each other about it a bit, but once we feel pretty good about what’s in our heads, we write it down. Then revise, revise, revise. Talk to each other, bounce ideas off each other, and then eventually share the document with the other. More collaboration happens, with the other writing notes and questions on the document, which the other takes and fleshes out.

Then, when things seem final enough, I take the draft document and starts formatting it into rules and creating a prototype. Once the first prototype is made with rough rules, we play-test it together. We’ll play-test together for quite some time, revising as needed, before we take it to our play-testing group, where we get a lot more help and revise accordingly.

Since we only have one final product so far, I can’t say much more as it just took working on the graphics quite a lot until we felt okay with what we had, but we knew it wasn’t great without hiring a professional. Project Dreamscape will be a lot better as we’re working with Ben Haskett who is producing it, running the Kickstarter campaign and redid all the graphic design of the cards and rules.

What design-related media do you consume on a regular basis?

I read various articles as they’re posted to Twitter and Facebook. I also listen to a few podcasts. However, I don’t follow a specific site for design.

What are some tool/programs/supplies that you wouldn’t work without?

Word and Photoshop are my tools.

What’s your playtesting philosophy? How often/early do you playtest?

Will and I will play-test it ourselves as soon as we can and we work it through as many iterations as needed before putting it in front of others. And then we play-test it as much as were can with a variety of people. I wouldn’t say we play-test every day when we have a new game we’re working on, but at least a couple of times in a week. Then our design group meets monthly and that’s where we get the most feedback. We have scheduled other times for people to come over to our place to play-test when we felt motivated enough to do so.

What are some of the biggest obstacles you’ve faced in your work, and how have you overcome them?

Our biggest obstacles are the art and graphic design, which is why we haven’t released more of our games. We have several games that are finished or near finished, but because we don’t have the skills to do it ourselves nor the money to pay someone, the prototypes sit on our shelves.

How do you handle life/family/work balance?

Not very well! Honestly, I have not figured out the balance yet. All I do know is that I need to have our hobbies to balance out the stress that is work. Family’s not too hard because it’s just me and Will, but we have a lot of varied interests so there’s still a lot of juggling between our hobbies.

Do you have a second job? If so, what do you do? If not, when/how did you quit your day job?

Nope, no second job. Working full time for the state is enough as it is. And it’s why we’ve never attempted to run a Kickstarter on our own – we’d never be able to handle the extra work.

How many hours/week do you generally devote to game design? How many to other business-related activities?

It’s never an even amount as it depends on whether we are actively working on a game. Those weeks, we put in time every night to play-test and then I make changes during my breaks at work. Then when it gets to a point where we’re done play-testing and it’s just getting it in front of others, those weeks we may not do any work on a game.

What one piece of advice would you give aspiring game designers?

Play a lot of games and read the rulebooks. You’ll learn a lot from what others have already done, and you’ll learn about what kinds of games you like to play. I highly recommend knowing yourself as a gamer so you’ll design a game you like to play. Which is important when you have to play-test a lot!

What’s the best advice about life that you’ve ever received?

Things only have the power that you give them.

Who would you like to see answer these questions?

Jamey Stegmaier as it’s always fascinating to hear more about how he does things.

(Read Jamey’s interview here!)

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How Nicole Kline, of Cardboard Fortress, Makes Games


Tell us about yourself – Who are you? What do you do?

My name is Nicole Kline, and I am an independent game designer with my partner, Anthony Amato. Our company is Cardboard Fortress Games. We both have day jobs, and I am currently in grad school for Library and Information Sciences. We keep ourselves busy!

This post has affiliate links, which directly support at no extra cost to you. If you have any questions about anything recommended, let me know. – Andrew

If I’ve never played your games before, what’s the first one I should try?

You should definitely start with RESISTOR_, which is our game coming to Kickstarter soon! It’s a two-player card game where you play as two supercomputers in charge of your country’s global thermonuclear warheads. It can get intense.

(I Suggest you go right now and sign up for their mailing list, so you get notified when this hits Kickstarter! –A)

One fact that we probably don’t know about you:

Some of my friends watch that reality show The Bachelor and invited me to watch it with them. What I thought was going to be a grueling experience ended up being fun – we turned it into a game. We call it Fantasy Bachelorball! We each pick different contestants and get points based on what they do that week.

As for Anthony… he’s a man of mystery. Even I don’t know everything about him!

What tabletop games (including digital board/card games) are you playing most right now?

We play a lot of video games. We are both really into Ascension on iOS. We’ve also been trying to finish off Lara Croft: The Guardian of Light so we can play the new one. On the tabletop, we’ve been been playing a lot of Star Realms, and whenever we go to game night, we find ourselves playing King’s Forge. I just got Dying Light, so who knows when I’ll surface from that. Oh, and we play a lot of Dungeons & Dragons. Anthony is always trying to revive our Blood Bowl League as well.

What are your all-time favorite tabletop games?

Anthony’s favorites are Battlefleet Gothic, Blood Bowl, King of Tokyo, Pandemic, and Robo Rally. I overlap only with Pandemic – my other favorites are Lords of Waterdeep, Quarriors, and Super Dungeon Explore.

What are you naturally good at that helps you in your work?

Anthony creates all the art and I do all the writing. They’re really important aspects of designing a game, and it helps to have each other.

What are you not naturally good at, that you’ve learned to do well anyway?

I’m terrible at taking criticism with my writing. So the first time we sat down to write instructions, it involved a lot of breaks. I still get sore about it but I’m trying to improve! Anthony’s been teaching himself all kinds of digital art tricks which has been wonderful to watch.

We’re both trying to be adaptable and work within the constraints of board game design. We’re learning a lot together!

Describe your process (or lack thereof) when making games. How do you reach your final product?

Game inspiration can come from many places. For example, our game RESISTOR_ came from a game jam about using a song title – from an Oasis song, specifically. Game jams are a good place to get started. From there, we playtested a lot, then created the theme and art. We wrote the rules last only to find out that it was the hardest part. Going forward, I think we will try to take the writing of the rules into heavier consideration earlier in the process.

What design-related media do you consume on a regular basis?

I’ve been trying to navigate Board Game Geek, and I’ve read almost the entire Stonemaier Games website. OK, not really the whole thing, but almost everything related to Kickstarter. I’m a big fan of James Mathe as well. We also listen to the Dice Hate Me podcast, along with a few others. Anthony likes to frequent the chatroom at The Game Crafter as a sounding board for advice and to talk shop.

What are some tool/programs/supplies that you wouldn’t work without?

Since we’ve started working on board games, I find myself constantly wanting to draw my ideas out by hand. So I’ve been using pencils and scrap paper much more. We’ve made several prototypes of games with items around the house, and ended up buying playing cards and poker chips as extra pieces. So I guess just random items we can use as game boards, and anything to draw with.

Anthony does all of his artwork digitally using what he calls “lots of dirty tricks,” and he bought a Surface Pro 2 last year to try drawing with a tablet.  (Drawing with a tablet is the best. Really, the best. –A)

Oh, and I’d be remiss if I didn’t say we really, REALLY depend on our local copy center. We get a lot of last-minute stuff done there.

What’s your playtesting philosophy? How often/early do you playtest?

Our philosophy with playtesting is just that: do it early and do it often! Though most of the time, it’s more of a “how can we trick someone into playing this” scenario. Every Thursday night, we go to Dev Night at the Philly Game Forge, where all the developers in the city go and hang out and play games. On Tuesday nights, there’s a board game night at our local board game store. Those are the two places we bring games the most. But we also bring them to all kinds of events, especially those run by the UnPub Network. And, of course, we invite people to our apartment, and our friends are usually up for some playtesting after Dungeons & Dragons – especially our buddies over at Nerdarchy.

What are some of the biggest obstacles you’ve faced in your work, and how have you overcome them?

Our biggest obstacle is just our lack of time. We both work full time, and until we can break through into the industry and really start making a living off of it, we need to stay at those jobs. The hope is that we can at least get successful enough that one of us can quit our full time job, which could help us get games out more quickly.

How do you handle life/family/work balance?

It’s really hard! We have jobs that run from 8:30-5, I have online grad school, I have a few new babies in my family who I want to see grow up, my sister is getting married this year… Sometimes I just don’t sleep, but I end up crashing when that happens. I don’t like to ever miss anything! The most important way to handle the balance, I’ve found, is to learn when to say no. I’m still learning that one…

Do you have a second job? If so, what do you do? If not, when/how did you quit your day job?

Yes, Anthony and I both work at local universities full time. But I can’t wait until the day I can consider that my “second job!”

How many hours/week do you generally devote to game design? How many to other business-related activities?

Anthony devotes somewhere between 30-40 hours a week on game design and artwork. I devote about 20 hours a week, and most of that has been all business lately. I’ve been trying to figure out our taxes, as I mentioned, and contacting our lawyer about setting up our business, and working on our Kickstarter feedback… I’m really looking forward to getting back to the fun stuff!

What one piece of advice would you give aspiring game designers?

Get a solid group of people to play, playtest, and discuss games with. If you have a community you can depend on, even just to play games, it will be invaluable. Don’t be afraid to reach out to the pros for advice because everyone in the boardgame community is super nice. Also, start small. Make a good but small game and try selling it on The Game Crafter first.

What’s the best advice about life that you’ve ever received?

That’s a tough one. I’m just going to go with “You can’t please everyone.”

Who would you like to see answer these questions?

Mila Pokorny of DeerFox Games! She’s making an amazing card game called Mahou Shojo and everyone needs to know about it. 

(Here’s the interview with Mila!)


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How Alf Seegert makes games

Tell us about yourself – Who are you? What do you do?

I’m Alf Seegert, designer of board games including Fantastiqa, The Road to Canterbury, Trollhalla, and Bridge Troll. My newest design is the card game Musée, and I recently co-designed a nifty dice-sculpting game, Cubist, with Steven Poelzing.

This post has affiliate links, which directly support at no extra cost to you. If you have any questions about anything recommended, let me know. – Andrew


If I’ve never played your games before, what’s the first one I should try?

Hmmm….it depends. They are all quite different!

If you’re a fan of fine art, or if you want a quick and easy-to-learn game that might fire your Lost Cities-addictedneurons, try Musée.

If you’re a literature or history buff and like Chaucer — or have the exquisite taste of a Black Adder or Monty Python fan — I recommend The Road to Canterbury.

If you want a quirky (and sadly underplayed) game in which you get to pillage and plunder as Viking Sea Trolls, look no further: play Trollhalla! The art is by the illustrious Ryan Laukat.

(My interview with Ryan is over here. –A)

If you are a fan of modern art, or looking for highly accessible game which uses dice in creative new ways to sculpt works of art, try Cubist, my co-design with Steve Poelzing.

My favorite self-designed game remains the wild and weird adventure gameFantastiqa, by quite a large margin. Needless to say, I recommend it!

One fact that we probably don’t know about you:

When I was nine years old, I broke my arm defending the honor of Donna Summer as the Disco Queen.

(you’ve gotta respect that. –A)

What tabletop games (including digital board/card games) are you playing most right now?

I was late to the game with Antoine Bauza’s clever and charming Takenoko. I got it for my wife this past Christmas and we both really enjoy caring for that big Zen Garden and its hungry Giant Panda! Do you get the same glorious “Totoro vibe” that I do from the cover image?

I also recently picked up Stefan Dorra’s Medina and am quite impressed at all the nifty wooden pieces and pleasurably brain-burny gameplay.

The games we play at home the most are my own designs-in-progress.

What are your all-time favorite tabletop games?

Perhaps it’s immodest to say this, but (speaking to fellow designers here) if your own designs aren’t among your very favorite games, then you might need to work harder to design games you like… My favorite tabletop game is Fantastiqa, and yes, I’m thoroughly and egregiously biased in saying so! (I’m not saying it’s the best game, but just our favorite, and the most-often played on our table, even a few years beyond its initial release.)

My favorite all-time games by other designers include The Princes of Florence, Carcassonne: Hunters and Gatherers, and Through the Desert. And I enjoy and admire Bruno Faidutti’s Mystery of the Abbey.

More recently I’ve been highly impressed by Brian Kohrman’s Jungle Ascentand Ryan Laukat’s Eight-Minute Empire series.And my wife and I find My Happy Farm charming and irresistable. T.C. Petty III’s VivaJava is a winner, too.

What are you naturally good at that helps you in your work?

Persistence. I expect creative work to require a lot of dedication and effort. I learned that lesson from the success this guy, who I admire enormously (if you can’t tell, it’s Geddy Lee of Rush).

What are you not naturally good at, that you’ve learned to do well anyway?

Patience. I like to see things done right the first time. I tend not to do things at all unless I sense that I’m doing them well. But I’ve discovered the hard way that game design is as much an art as it is a science. Yes, you need to do a lot of testing. But you also need to grant your unconscious plenty of room to roam (and blunder) in devising (and revising) themes and mechanics. Both require quite a bit of patience and a no-hurry attitude.

Describe your process (or lack thereof) when making games. How do you reach your final product?

  • Have a theme or game mechanic smack me in the head. (I don’t “come up with” themes or mechanics. They are the ones in charge, and appear to have minds and agencies of their own!)

  • Build components. Play with them, first alone, then with others. Note what feels good and what fails.

  • Revise, or throw out entirely.

  • Repeat, repeat, repeat!

What design-related media do you consume on a regular basis?


What are some tool/programs/supplies that you wouldn’t work without?

My game design “rig” consists primarily of Microsoft Publisher, a Pixma Inkjet printer, plenty of ink and cardstock (I buy generic ink, but now use plastic gloves and paper towels to keep them from spilling everywhere), a sliding papercutter (never the swinging-bladed kind — my fingers and my cat’s tail are too precious!), and a bunch of handy prototyping pieces (including these). I also recommend using a storage device like this one to sort all those bits. Mine gets plenty of use.

If I want to get really fancy I’ll use a Xyron cold laminator or card sleeves to make the prototype components feel as good as they look.

What’s your playtesting philosophy? How often/early do you playtest?

  • I test early and often, and I try not to become too wedded to anything I devise along the way, either thematically or mechanically. I remember reading an interview with Elton John in which he said that if a song didn’t write itself in fifteen minutes, he let it go. If the game doesn’t feel like it’s designing itself, I don’t force it. Better to free a design than enslave it in irons and force it to work against its will….

  • I do my best to let components inspire my game designing. Instead of coming up with abstract ideas that I then find components for, I try to let material objects themselves define the mechanics. For example, it was while playing with dice as material objects – not just treating them as random-number generators — that Steve Poelzing and I came up with the dice-stacking mechanics for Cubist.

  • I still agree with Phil Kilcrease that you should test your games as “objectively” as possible — when possible “with someone who would tell you your baby is ugly.” That being said, I think that chemistry among players matters enormously. I don’t find it valuable to have people play my games who don’t already enjoy playing with each other; in such instances it’s impossible to tell if the game itself is weak or if the players just don’t thrive on playing together.

What are some of the biggest obstacles you’ve faced in your work, and how have you overcome them?

Migraines. Creative inspiration both inspires them, and makes them meaningful. But it doesn’t make them feel any better!

How do you handle life/family/work balance?

I’m doubt I do! But I sense such a rich cross-pollination among life/family/work that I try not to worry about “balance” too much. I often wish I had more time to devote “just to designing,” but the benefit of limited time is that the threshold for “you must design X” has gotten pretty high. When I began designing games a dozen years ago I felt like every game mechanic or theme that appeared to me needed to be pursued to the uttermost corners of the earth. With my much more limited time today I now insist that ideas prove themselves worthy before I invest my “all” into them.

Do you have a second job? If so, what do you do? If not, when/how did you quit your day job?

What a charming question. I’ll have to remember to call my regular, paying job my “second job” in future! I’m not sure I could fathom being a 24/7 game designer, nor would I wish to be. My main job is as professor of English at the University of Utah, where I design and teach courses mostly on virtuality and critical theory, ranging from titles like “Video Games and Storytelling” to “Virtuality and Nature” and “Virtuality, Nature, and Re-Enchantment.” I love teaching and would never want to leave it.

How many hours/week do you generally devote to game design? How many to other business-related activities?

If thinking about game design counts as devotion, then I’m embarrassingly devoted. It’s rare that I can go to sleep or go for a walk without playing through latest game developments in my imagination, and I always have a “next design” (or six, rather) in the works. Designing feels so much a part of my identity that I don’t know how to compartmentalize it — and my games draw on my job as a professor all the time. I designed Fantastiqa while preparing to teach a new course on “Weird Tales and Fantastic Fiction.” I designed The Road to Canterbury when preparing to teach Chaucer. For a new design I’m working on (not yet published) I draw most of my inspiration from teaching video games.

What one piece of advice would you give aspiring game designers?

Design gameworlds that you truly want to inhabit, and draw inspiration from things other than just other games.

What’s the best advice about life that you’ve ever received?

The vocation for you is the one in which your deep gladness and the world’s deep need meet — something that not only makes you happy but that the world needs to have done.” 

Frederick Buechner said that, and my amazing high school teacher Neil Coen conveyed it to me.

I do think the world needs good board games and as many good excuses as possible for us to spend time face-to-face with our friends and loved ones. We already have digital devices aplenty! Board games help moderate our insatiable yearning for digital mediation, and remind us why it’s worthwhile to share intimate physical space with others and gather around an actual table together.

Who would you like to see answer these questions?

Antoine Bauza, Bruno Faidutti, Mike Fitzgerald and T.C. Petty III . Not all at once, of course!

Bruno Faidutti’s Interview

T.C. Petty’s Interview

Mike Fitzgerald’s Interview